Child Safety

Over the last few years there have been  a number of accidents and fatalities involving toddlers and young children . Too many have been entangled in the loops and chains of the controls of Window Blinds.

Galaxy Blinds are now working with the Fabric and Component Suppliers Eclipse, louvolite, RA Irwins , Decora etc to help prevent any future accidents.

Galaxy Blinds understands that the safety of a child is paramount to any Window Blind installation so we now provide a wide range of different safety options.

Galaxy Blinds will supply at no extra cost one of these products when requested to any Blind in your Home. Please find listed below a few of the products now available.

Cord Cleat, Cord Securing Clip, Chain Tassel, Cord Stop and Mono Wand.

If you have existing Window Blinds in your home that will require a Safety Cleat then call us today to arrange low cost fitting procedure for your peace of mind.